Thursday, March 4, 2010

Reminds me of a middle school talent show...

You know, those talent shows that parents think are adorable, but the whole time you are thinking, "Children should not be imitating these songs! In my day we listened to wholesome music" (yeah right...)

So the challenge is: Comment on this post with only one word to describe your feelings about this vid. My post is "Sorted!"

(Shout out to one Miss Sam Rodgers for Sorting this out for me! *Insert strange gangsta' money sign here*)

I wonder if the custard is brain flavor!?

If this was their cake, I wonder how the bride and groom looked? Normal? Probably, because that is how zombies fool you! They look normal at first and seem fine, then before you know it they are nibbling on your brain! Look out behind you!

Miss Day's acceptance speech. Geek shout out! Say What!

I know this is a bit old, but I just wanted to give props to Felicia Day for making an awesome show and also being an inspirational actress and writer. She also acted and Sang in Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. But only really cool awesome people like me actually know about that. lol. Don't you feel left out now? Good... We still love you, but in a special way.

For all you Facebook App peeps...

demotivational posters

"Yesterday I caught a 2lb fish worth 5 gold coins and 215 exp. points!"
"Really? Where at?"
"Blue Bay"
"Where is that at?"
"umm... by Misty Mountains."
"What are you going to do with your new fish?"
"I think I will keep him and name him Fredrick."
"Wasn't that the name of your real fish you own?"
"What fish?....ohh... damnit!"

Hidden Beer at Office Win!!!

Work - Lulz - ghetto beer fridge

This would be one of those things that you see on the internet that you would want to remember. Lock this away. Maybe pinch yourself as you look at this image to help recall the image. I don't know, just don't forget about it!

Start things off with a bang! (Or a lightsaber slash, your pick)

If you know me at all you understand that I am a Star Wars fan. Not really at geek status, but I do know and understand the Star Wars universe better than your typical Star Wars viewer. So I present my first found greatness as this awesome lego movie. Enjoy, and remember.... May the Force be with you.... always...