Sunday, November 28, 2010

Time To Reupdate This Site. To Kick Things Off:Epic Battle Of Cat Vs. Cat Vs. Crow x2

The greatest battle since Lord of The Rings!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

He Said It, Not Me...

Some Might Say Fail, Some Would Say Win!


News Reporter Vs. Car Window

All the theif needs...... is to not fail like you..... I think I can officially say that a small child could kill this guy, even if he has a hammer to defend himself with.
EMBED-Reporter Fails At Swinging Hammer - Watch more free videos


Now this is what I am talking about! This is how you should spend your Sunday afternoons, obvioiusly don't be the guy on the roof, but befriend many people like the man on the roof.
EMBED-Roof Surfer Wipes Out Hard - Watch more free videos

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Just To Clarify The Apparant Confusion...LOL

This debate is still going on? Strange...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

PBR. The American Drink

This is ripe with great political and educational messages.

Gives you a good feeling like George Washington going down your throat....

Saturday, April 17, 2010

One Of The Coolest Vids Online

Thanks to Tyler for Sorting this out to me. Almost forgot it existed. Shame on me.

A Bit Old But Funny.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Bear Control

I don't know about you, but this is how real men take care of bear problems. I remember my first bear batting... ohh yes, that was the year that....

Binocular Soccer

One of the better ideas to come out of Japan. I can't wait to implement this with some friends and beer. I can't wait, where are those binoculars? Ohh I can't seem to grab my beer....

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Most Interesting Man In The World.

To entertain you while I am gone, I have posted a couple of videos that Dos Equis did about my life.

Dear Friends, I Will Be Gone For Awhile 4/6 - 4/13

For those of you that have been following this blog, I thank you very much. I hope this blog has been a good window into the funny that the internet has to offer.

I looked around for some good stuff online and have come up short recently. I don't want to sacrifice the quality of the stuff posted on here for quantity. I looked for a good couple of hours to find stuff before I left.... but alas, dissapointment.

The Reason for this post is to inform you all that I am going to be leaving Bend for a couple of days to go climbing in Colorado. Unfortunatly, I will not be bringing my laptop with me to keep this blog updated, so there is going to be a lag in posts until next Tuesday, seven days from now. I hope you will all survive this lapse in posts.

If you come across anything funny while I am gone, please email me at and I will sort through it when I return.

Thank you friends,

Joshua Simone

Friday, April 2, 2010

Every Action Movie Star I Can Think Of Is In This Movie...

This is definatly a must see in.... McMenamins Theater. lol. Way to appeal to the older audience!

Broken Wear, Nice Train, Fire Breath, Drink Fast, Nice Guy, Smoky Jet

Those are the only words I could understand. My favorite part was trying to figure out what this guy is actually saying half the time. WTF is this?!

Bringing A Whole New Meaning To "What's Your Sign?"

Cool Opitical Illusion For You All

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

You Mean I Have A Super Power!?

And so do you, and you, and you. But not you, you know who you are... or maybe you don't.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


I hope you get it. (Hint: He is a vampire.)

Star Wars Empire State of Mind

Been some time since I have seen an accurate and well done Star Wars Video! So epic. For those of you that want a cool rap summary of the three best Star Wars Movies, look no further! My favorite line is, "with some dyslexic jedi dude, Luke's hand got sliced through"

Monday, March 29, 2010

I Have A Soft Spot For Corny Action Scenes. Epic!!!

My favorite parts are the random jumping jeeps, that shouldn't be able to jump and the amazing side horse slide under a semi! So BA.

What The Fudge!!! Kid Play Of Scarface?!

What is this?! Never would I allow my children... I am just speechless... but I am also laughing slightly. In all honesty though, those kids were pretty dang good.
EMBED-Scarface School Play - Watch more free videos

Me In The Future.

So inspiring! I have the technology, I can build this! I can't wait!


OM NOM NOM NOM Strikes again! Now I want some power to eat...

Friday, March 26, 2010

Don't Mess With Star Wars Man!

Good Job Tyler...good job! You have made us all proud.
(Note: I am sure Tyler is a fan of only the original three movies, not the crappy new ones!)

We Can All Learn From This.

If you think is dirty...well... it is. lol.

Scratch A Butt Get A Song.

100 Digits Of Pi + Rubiks Cube + 15 Books = "That's Impressive"

My roommate said it well: "That's Impressive!". This is an inspirational video that goes out to all of you that have unique and amazing talents. Now is the time for you to combine them together and "impress" the world!!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

One Day My Future Wife Will Get This Letter As Well

The only problem is that my future wife will probably be in on it with me. Hopefully... Wherever you are future wife. Not all the time of course, but at least twice a year, we should get banned from a store.

We Wonder Why Americans Find Japanese Peoples Strange.

If this is how they teach small children to go to the "potty" then are you really suprised that Japanese game shows are strange? I sure don't after watching this. Now I have to go to the bathroom! I can't wait for my very own special underwear!

WTF!? NSFW ( I Think... Really Not Safe To Be Seen Watching Anywhere...)

You thought the Beard Master was strange... wait till you watch this. It is so strange I had to post it... WTF!?

Monday, March 22, 2010

Nom, Nom, Nom!!!

I guess I was just in a NOM NOM mood! Also did you see what I did inside those mass NOM NOM's? I bet you didn't. My powers of trickery are better than your powers of perception! HAHAHAHA NOM NOM NOM HAHAHA! See it happened again... with the NOM's... CHOMP!

Why Didn't I Think Of This?!

But unlimited power corrupts ... umm... unlimitedly?... Crap!

Chat Roulette Win Again!!! This Time With Audience!!! NSFW

Here is another Chat Roulette video. I think it is the same guy as in my past chat roulette video seen HERE. I want to try, but I just can't bring myself to do it... Too scary... I heard there are lots of male appendages hanging around on there. Ohh... btw... NFSW.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Is There Anything Dolph Lundgren Can't Do?

Dolph Lundgren my childhood hero, is still awesome! If you want to know what I am talking about skip to 1:20 and watch the multi-talented and beast of a man do his thing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Cool Tune Made Using Windows Sounds

It is only about a minute and half long, but it is pretty awesome. I was entertained for a good minute. Actually to be honest I listened to it twice...ok you caught me I listened to it about 30 times. It was just so epic! lol.

For All You Fail Fans Out There

Every once and a great while, I actually come across a good compilation of fail vids. Here is a great one. It is worth your time. It might be a tad bit NSFW but nothing serious. I would watch it with my mom in the room. Remember guys... Learn from the mistakes these peeps make.

I Wish I Could See The Potentials In Life Like This Guy/Gal.

How awesome is this?! Everyone should copy cat this. I want to walk into the local coffee shop and be delightfully suprised to see something of this genius in front of me. What? I should do it, you say? Ummm.... no. The poster police scare me, I know they would find me and then not let me drink their coffee anymore...

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Don't Let This Happen To You Today!

Let this serve as a warning to you this wednesday, beware the horrid beer bong spotters that only care how good they look in a picture. But seriously, is there any way to look good while some bro is on his knees sucking cheap beer from a tube that you are holding... Just act natural.

Probably Worth It

Was thinking about getting a tattoo, but now I am just going to go outside on a stormy day and play golf, on top of a mountain, with a 30 foot club, standing in salt water. Then I will be cool.... right?

Everytime I Watch A Chat Roulette Video, I Want To Try It.

Probably the best past time if you have the musical skills. Awesome!
EMBED-Funny Chatroulette Piano Improvisation

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Now That Is A Biathalon!

Now these gentlemen should be paid like a professional football player. This would be the only reason to be paid so much...

Pretty Much a Typical Day For Anyone With A Beard. Myself Included

For those of you who wonder what having a beard is like. Then watch this video. Probably the most epic video I have seen since Heave Metal Figure Skating. I don't even know what is going on half the time, but the Beard is awesome!!!

Puns For Everyone!!!

Have you not had a good dose of puns? Well then this video is for you! Piers Anthony would love this video me thinks. Who is Piers Anthony? Why one of my top 10 authors! Look him up. Well anyways check out this vid. I chuckled for a good 20 seconds after the video was done.

What A Creative Wife

This woman placed this sculpture of herself on her husband's grave. I hope this inspires a certain someone *wink wink* to do the same for me... Well... There really is no certain someone, but someday maybe... well... nevermind... wait what was I talking about? Look a flying animal!!!

Sorry for the lag in posts.

Sorry for the lag in posting up on here. There really has not been anything that I have come across that I was willing to share. Hopefully the internet can redeem itself soon, so I can get to laughing and sorting, and you all can get to umm... whatever it is you do here.

Friday, March 12, 2010

What Kind Of Mirror Is This?

This is a good prank. My favorite part is the woman towards the end. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Jazzy "Get Down With The Sickness" NSFW (Not Safe For Work due to language.)

This is a bit old but I only came across it today. There is some foul language in it, but a classic none the less.

Shout out to Marc for Sorting this to me.

Remember The Ones Who Lost.

Everyone always want the Rebels to win but forget how war impact society. I am sure all the Imperials were not "bad guys" but just doing there part for an evil emporer lord. Darth Vader is the real hero, I don't remember pansy Puke (Luke) Skywalker taking down the emporer. I remember Puke just lying on the ground whining to his father to help him. Now look where Vader is... jeez... friggin' society..

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I Don't Need No Stinking Numbers!

My roommate and I play this game all the time. Except we don't have no pansy lines and numbers telling us how to make art. Every week we hold T.P. art finals in our house, where we invite our neighbor in to rate who has the best skiddies...

How To Win An Academy Award!

Just follow these simple step by step instructions. My favorite part is at the end. Can you guess what it is?

Monday, March 8, 2010

Real Life Goofy Movie...Well The Song Anyways...

It took these guys 6 months? All you had to do was go back a couple of years to when I was in high school and video tape my life. I used to break out in song all the time, and my classmates....well I just imagined they were singing along with me.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

This Reminds Me Of A Nightmare I Had Once

I pray that that woman never forgets that she is toting that poor helpless puppy around. It looks like that poor dog is saying "Help ME!!!!!!!"

Works For Bacon Grease Too!

Shocked?! I think they absorb that too... I don't know if I will ever look at fries or women the same way again.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Crazy Driving Skills. And Yes It Is a Woman... So What!?

Man, I think her ninja mind skills almost got her away from the cops. She was just outnumbered... That is the only reason her jedi skills didn't work. This one goes out to all the ladies. You too can be involved in highspeed chases. The action starts at 0:40.

Shout out to Garrett for Sorting this one to me!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Are You Really Suprised Though?

Don't give me that look. I know you laughed at it too when you saw it! The interesting thing is that I don't know which label applies to who...

That Just Happened!!!

Last year I got to witness the ever graceful Triple Lindy done on the ice. Which in my opinion is till the best thing to see on ice. Instead of an axe, the skater will pull out a whole high dive set and summon forth angels to cut a hole into the ice.

THIEF!!! I Did This Project 10 Years Ago!

This poser didn't even use the right display... At least mine had flames that reached about 10ft high, and I had a charred corpse just under the table, just in case anyone questioned the validity of it being a real dragon voice. Kids these days just don't apply themselves like they used to... He could of at least worn a knight's helmet...

Real MacGuyver Parents

If you find this impressive, you should of seen what my parents did with duct tape, a paperclip, and a crocodile and I turned out just fine!

One For The Ladies...Or Guys... I Can't Tell...

I wonder if any people from other countries look at blogs and find pictures like this... I personally would find it hilarious if I went to Japan and saw some Japanese guy imitating this... Then I would probably vomit..

Guys They Are Just Playing Some Innocent Games...

Suddenly Curling got that much more enjoyable to play... (Insert Joke Here)...

Music Video: Dustin Kensrue "Pistol"

Shout out to Dana for Sorting this to me. Wonderful song.

Blast From The Past! An Insight To My Early Gaming Life

Remember the good old days of D&D! I mean I never played that game what are you talking about?! Was rummaging through some stuff and came across this piece of history! I remember this coming out around middle school....jeez... long ago in a galaxy far away...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Reminds me of a middle school talent show...

You know, those talent shows that parents think are adorable, but the whole time you are thinking, "Children should not be imitating these songs! In my day we listened to wholesome music" (yeah right...)

So the challenge is: Comment on this post with only one word to describe your feelings about this vid. My post is "Sorted!"

(Shout out to one Miss Sam Rodgers for Sorting this out for me! *Insert strange gangsta' money sign here*)

I wonder if the custard is brain flavor!?

If this was their cake, I wonder how the bride and groom looked? Normal? Probably, because that is how zombies fool you! They look normal at first and seem fine, then before you know it they are nibbling on your brain! Look out behind you!

Miss Day's acceptance speech. Geek shout out! Say What!

I know this is a bit old, but I just wanted to give props to Felicia Day for making an awesome show and also being an inspirational actress and writer. She also acted and Sang in Dr. Horrible's Sing-a-Long Blog. But only really cool awesome people like me actually know about that. lol. Don't you feel left out now? Good... We still love you, but in a special way.

For all you Facebook App peeps...

demotivational posters

"Yesterday I caught a 2lb fish worth 5 gold coins and 215 exp. points!"
"Really? Where at?"
"Blue Bay"
"Where is that at?"
"umm... by Misty Mountains."
"What are you going to do with your new fish?"
"I think I will keep him and name him Fredrick."
"Wasn't that the name of your real fish you own?"
"What fish?....ohh... damnit!"

Hidden Beer at Office Win!!!

Work - Lulz - ghetto beer fridge

This would be one of those things that you see on the internet that you would want to remember. Lock this away. Maybe pinch yourself as you look at this image to help recall the image. I don't know, just don't forget about it!

Start things off with a bang! (Or a lightsaber slash, your pick)

If you know me at all you understand that I am a Star Wars fan. Not really at geek status, but I do know and understand the Star Wars universe better than your typical Star Wars viewer. So I present my first found greatness as this awesome lego movie. Enjoy, and remember.... May the Force be with you.... always...